Sunday, April 13, 2008

My weekend:

At the beginning of the weekend the forecast said it was 100% rain and even though it DID rain, it was hit and miss and when it wasn't raining it was absolutely gorgeous!

Friday night I went and ate at a restaurant called Wagon Wheel with a couple of my roommates and some other friends of ours. After which, we went and bowled @ King Ranch Entertainment.
We bowled for 2 hours and I won every game (although I think I was the only one who was keeping count..haha).

Saturday I woke up printed directions and headed towards Boston with Christina (a roommate of mine) and June. We arrived in South Boston and photographed an empty loft for Warren Real Estate. Why photograph an empty loft, you ask? 
Well, even though it wasn't furnished, we photographed it so that they'll keep us in mind if they need any thing else photographed that is furnished.
Then we proceeded to head towards North Boston and the streets were incredibly full. The only logical explanation is that people are already in town for the Boston Marathon next weekend.
Anyway, we photographed a condo for Regina Capozzi and took a head shot for Regina and then headed on out. (Just in time, too, because the bottom fell out of the sky  just as we were leaving Boston.)

I spent today cleaning and running errands and just found out that one of my best friends, Chelsy, is coming to visit me in early May!
I'm extremely excited! I miss her mucho!
Well, best wishes this week!
Pictures that were taken during our bowling day: (not taken by me, but great none-the-less)

Me playing pool
The pool playing - continues..
Me telling Chrystal (my sister) how stupid I think Kenny Chesney's song "Shiftwork" is...

All of us stop for a group pic. :)


Iulian said...

...and where are the photos?

Unknown said...

well, I haven't been able to process the files yet, so they're huge mosaic files instead of jpegs and I don't have permission to post those pictures on the internet, unfortunately.
Where as the bowling I didn't photograph.
Sorry to disappoint you.
BUT I've had two portrait sessions lately that once I'm done editing them, I'll post them.
Stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

Chopey says: love these photos jess....looks like a good time....thanks for taking a pic of you texting me about shift work...aaron was singing that the other day and i said pllleeeeassse stop it. so then he went on to sing the "f-r-e-e, that spells FREE, credit report babe-yyyy" bull crap of a commercial song for the rest of the night. love my