Thursday, April 24, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

So, as you know, we are in the final phase (phase 4) of our prestigious program here at the Hallmark Institute of Photography. At the end of this phase we will submit our portfolios and brace ourselves for our portfolio review. 
We have a pristine group of panelists this year, David Turner (photographer for Hearst Magazine house), Barbara Bordnick, and Beth Reynolds (photojournalist).

With a month left, I'm almost done with my mandatory portrait assignments and am starting my commercial assignments tonight.
Here are some portraits of Jared.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thursday evening...April 17

Good afternoon!
So, I know I've been bragging about Massachusetts weather so much lately, more so than I would if I was in Texas and I finally understand the reason. 
Be it that this year was the first year I had ever lived in snow, much less seen it, it was a bit unbearable at times. 
The fact that you can ride in a car with the windows down and not freeze your ass off is fantastic! 
I've even contemplated buying a new swim suit, but when trying them on, quickly change my mind (yikes)...

I have finished editing the pictures that I took of a young woman who goes to Smith College here in Massachusetts. 
She was a great sport and was extremely easy to photograph.
With out further ado, here are the pictures:

Thank you for reading! If you would like to catch up on previous posts you've missed click on the titles of the posts in the right toolbar that's labeled "POSTS".
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Sunday, April 13, 2008

My weekend:

At the beginning of the weekend the forecast said it was 100% rain and even though it DID rain, it was hit and miss and when it wasn't raining it was absolutely gorgeous!

Friday night I went and ate at a restaurant called Wagon Wheel with a couple of my roommates and some other friends of ours. After which, we went and bowled @ King Ranch Entertainment.
We bowled for 2 hours and I won every game (although I think I was the only one who was keeping count..haha).

Saturday I woke up printed directions and headed towards Boston with Christina (a roommate of mine) and June. We arrived in South Boston and photographed an empty loft for Warren Real Estate. Why photograph an empty loft, you ask? 
Well, even though it wasn't furnished, we photographed it so that they'll keep us in mind if they need any thing else photographed that is furnished.
Then we proceeded to head towards North Boston and the streets were incredibly full. The only logical explanation is that people are already in town for the Boston Marathon next weekend.
Anyway, we photographed a condo for Regina Capozzi and took a head shot for Regina and then headed on out. (Just in time, too, because the bottom fell out of the sky  just as we were leaving Boston.)

I spent today cleaning and running errands and just found out that one of my best friends, Chelsy, is coming to visit me in early May!
I'm extremely excited! I miss her mucho!
Well, best wishes this week!
Pictures that were taken during our bowling day: (not taken by me, but great none-the-less)

Me playing pool
The pool playing - continues..
Me telling Chrystal (my sister) how stupid I think Kenny Chesney's song "Shiftwork" is...

All of us stop for a group pic. :)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Numero Uno

Today is Friday, April 11th.
The very first day of my blog!
Everyone is leaving me today. If you don't know, I attend the Hallmark Institute of Photography in Turners Falls, MA. And today most of my friends are going home to get some R&R or photograph some things or just escape for a little while and spend some time with their families.
When I moved up to Turners (short for Turners Falls, of course) I left many things behind, one of which was my car, Rosie. She's a cute little Honda Civic that happens to be red, where her name originates. I can't stand not having access to a car. The fact that I have to depend on other people to take me to the grocery store, post office, and school drives me crazy. I can't venture off by myself and take pictures, I can't go buy props for my photo shoots, I can't go photograph people in environments other than the studio, I basically can't go anywhere without asking my roommates to take me or if I can borrow their cars.
THAT BEING SAID, this weekend Emily (a friend of mine here at Hallmark) has gone home to Minnesota and left her car for me to drive around! Yeah! (pronounced more like
Hopefully I'll get some things accomplished this weekend, even though the weather is going to be regretfully somber. But hey, we were greeted almost every morning this week with the most beautiful skies, so who can complain?
Here are some pictures I took when I went home for spring break.

Executive photograph: Holly @ Gulf Credit Union

Occupational Portrait: Steve Hebert - Automation Electrical Designer

Portrait of Maggie & Coco

Occupational Portrait: Lori Lofton - art teacher @ PN-G High School

Put this into your bookmarks and check back frequently, I promise not to disappoint you.
-Jessi Hebert