Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Visual and Auditory Literacy

Topic #1 : John Nordell, a current instructor at the Hallmark Institute of Photography and a previous instructor of mine, brought to my attention the importance of really listening and looking at movies, television, books, art, and music. Really paying attention to these things and deciding what it is that you particularly enjoy about them, which in turn, helps you to develop a style about yourself...a persona.
As you can probably imagine, what we see and what we hear affect us subconsciously. 

Recently, as followers of this blog are aware, I've been OBSESSED with Netflix. I'm a renting machine...watching and returning as quickly as possible, updating my queue with every good review I read, anticipating the arrival of my new dvds in the mail.

Two movies in particular that have had a good impact on me recently were:
1) Amelie, a french film that really captivates the idiosyncrasies of humans...Oh, the bizarre brilliance!

2) The Pianist - a movie based on a Polish & Jewish pianist (duh) whom, thanks to his gift of playing the piano with such beauty and intricacy, survived the Holocaust. 

You may be wondering, what does any of this have to do with your photography?
Everything. It has everything to do with how I perceive things.
Why I am the way I am is because of what I've learned, experienced and decided to be true.
And well, what I do is very much the same as who I am.

Topic # 2:  The Common Ground Lecture that was held this past Tuesday evening at Lamar State College - Port Arthur. It was a debate between two political analysts, Bob Beckel (democrat) and Cal Thomas (republican), coming together and realizing that what's more important than arguing and trying to change someone's mind, is listening, finding common ground with one another and therefore coming to actual solutions with our country's problems. 

My goodness, this is longer than it was expected to be

-Is anyone who's reading this planning to attend the WPPI convention in Vegas in Feb.?
-Happy Birthday Kylee!
-Happy October everyone!!! 
-Make sure and Register to vote before this coming MONDAY!!
-If anyone watches Samantha, Who? it's premiering Monday Oct. 13th!
-If you want to begin a Netflix membership and would like the FIRST MONTH FREE, go to and enter one of these codes before OCT. 31st:
(I have 4 cards to give to friends/family as a gift and the promo code only works see?)
-If you know of any professional photographer who is in need of a talented, hygienic, friendly, dedicated, love-able freelance assistant, please let me know.
-If you are in downtown Beaumont and "jonesin" for a good cup o' joe, The Barking Dog at 493 Pearl St. (by Crocket St.) is the place for you. Trust.
-Everyone effected negatively due to the recent hurricane(s), I'm terribly sorry and I mean that with everything in me.

I love you. 
Have a better October than you did September. 
Do what you want to do and be whom you want to be.
Forever yours,
Jessi Hebert

P.S. Stop rushing. Take time to realize the good in life instead of obsessing with the bad. Enjoy the cool weather that fall has to offer and the warm sunshine while it still lasts.

It'll lift you up and make you all tingly inside. Just ask Zeus, here. :)


Anonymous said...

ohhhh my sweet baby zeuser dog! how i love him....reminds me i need to go visit him this week. i miss them way too much.
as always, nice you.

generic cialis said...

Interesting article, added his blog to Favorites