Thursday, September 11, 2008

"Take a hike, Ike!"

I'm pretty sure nothing good comes from hurricanes, other than an appreciation of your life and the material objects you posses. And, of course, a clear realization that Global Warming exists and is reeking havoc all over the place.
The cities along the Gulf of Mexico are, for the 3rd time this season, being threatened by a hurricane. First Edouard (on my birthday), then Gustav (on Labor Day weekend), now Ike.
Many people in my area have decided to stay this time around. Maybe it's because Edouard and Gustav were supposed to be bad and hardly touched us, or because it's supposed to hit Galveston, and we'll just get the fall off, but one thing is certain: I'm tired.
I'm tired of rushing to the gas pump and the grocery store and fighting the long lines and crowds, I'm tired of being forced to watch the weather all day and night, I'm tired of my jobs being post-poned or canceled due to the weather, and ABOVE  ALL ELSE, I'm tired of being scared.

Enough about that shit, how about some GOOD NEWS?
My older sister, Chrystal, is pregnant!
I've been knowing for about a month but have had to keep it secret because Chrystal, and her husband, Aaron, wanted to be able to tell Aaron's parents before I told the whole world!
It's been difficult, but I'm a great secret keeper.
As you can see, Jodi's happy to be an aunt, too!
Chrystal and Aaron's way of telling us was through my mom's birthday present. :)
Very cute!

Everyone's especially happy because this is the first grand-baby and nephew/niece in our family! I'll definitely be updating everyone on the progress of Chrystal's soon-to-be big belly.

Other than all of that, I've been having a good time at my parents lake house and I have pictures to show it:
(me hydro-sliding...well, trying to get up on the hydro-slide)
(My dad really loves the lake!)
(My mom bailing out before a big wake..)

(Aaron and his brother, Chris, skiing!)
(Aaron going under Chris' ski rope)

Well, I was going to add MORE pictures, but blogger's being an ass-face.

I miss all my old roommates and some additional friends from Massachusetts!
I miss Kara and Val and Lanea and Christi and Jen from Ranger!
Happy Birthday Paw-Paw!!
Congratulations Chrystal and Aaron on your pregnancy!!!

Okay, so I'll let you know how Hurricane Ike goes later on!
Miss you!
Love you!
And if you're riding the storm out like my family, I wish you the best of luck and I hope nothing bad happens to you, your family, or your house.

Peace, Love, and Hope!
Jessi Hebert

"In the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything FALSE about HOPE."
-Barack Obama


Anonymous said...

So excited to be an AUNT!! ahh!
And yes, Happy 75th Paw Paw... you're such a bad ass.
Love you Jessi. See you in 3 seconds.. 3...2....1....

--Jodi Hebert.

Anonymous said...

I miss you too!!!!

Tell Crystal and Aaron congratulations for me!!
Thats so awesome!
Im sorry about the storms if there's anything we can do let us know!!!


Katelynne Lowensen said...

Awww yay! Im super excited that Crystal is pregnant. It's going to be so exciting. So it is your task to take pictures and update your blog with how the baby is growing and progressing. yay auntie jessi. =) your so cute

love you

Anonymous said...

i miss you too :( hopefully we can all hang sooooooooon! -val