Thursday, June 5, 2008

Maybe the sun will shine today and the clouds will blow away...

Okay, so first let me start with some unfortunate news: Our web design instructor, Paul Bissex, was in a car accident yesterday morning. He was in a really bad condition yesterday and is getting better. He can open his eyes, move his arms, communicate with nodding and moving his hands, recognize his family and friends, and is aware of where he is, just not exactly what happened before the accident. Paul is one of our favorite instructors at Hallmark and we miss him dearly and wish him the best of luck with his recovery. Please keep him in your thoughts.

Now for some GOOD news: this past Tuesday my portfolio was reviewed and passed by the three judges (David Turner, Barbara Bordnick, and Beth Reynolds). I was the last person in my group to go and was stressing out all day monday and tuesday. 
My portfolio will ALWAYS be a work in progress, but I'm glad that they enjoyed it and didn't find all that much to criticize. Beth liked an image so much she's willing to buy it from me (the main picture on my website home page).

I unfortunately don't have much to show, since I haven't really taken any pictures in the last couple of days, so I figured I would leave you with a fabulous singer covering one of Rhianna's songs. Her name is Kina Grannis and her voice is so melodic and beautiful!

Thanks for visiting! Next post will include pictures, I promise!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like where kina says..."ahhh look at my eyeball"
love you, had a blast....